Domain WHOIS Lookup

Ultimate WHOIS domain lookup to check out real identity behind a domain name, Find out who owns the website.
Instant WHOIS Lookup
Instant WHOIS lookup to reveal the domain name servers, IP address, and contact details with just a click.
Find Domain Ownership
Use our WHOIS domain lookup tool to buy or find ownership details. Enter the domain for availability, ownership, creation, and expiration info.
Check Domain Availability
To check domain availability, enter the name in Domainwinds's WHOIS domain lookup. We'll inform you if it's available or not.
Insightful Domain Analysis
Get detailed domain insights with WHOIS lookup tool. Explore info like registration date, name server details, and more.
Check Registry Info
Utilize our WHOIS lookup tool to check public information about the current registrar and website owner, including their name and contact details.
Domain Expiry Lookup
Determine the expiration date of a domain name. This enables you to seize a valuable domain promptly if the current owner opts not to renew it.
Network Infrastructure

What is the WHOIS lookup tool?

  • Domainwinds's WHOIS lookup tool shows the latest data registered on the logical WHOIS domain database. it can be used for obtaining information about the domain's registrant as man times as you want for free.
    How does it work?
  • Whenever someone registers a domain name, they have to submit their information to ICANN. some of this information is made available on the public database and can be accessed using our lookup services.


WHOIS is a global information lookup system. It allows you to retrieve publicly available information about a registered domain name. This information can include the domain owner's name, contact details, registration date, and expiration date.

A WHOIS domain lookup is the process of using a WHOIS search tool to retrieve publicly available information about a registered domain name.

While WHOIS data aims for accuracy, some registrants may use privacy protection services to redact their personal details. Additionally, outdated or inaccurate information may exist in some cases.

Yes, the WHOIS domain lookup tool offered by the Domainwinds is free to use. You can use WHOIS lookup for as many domains as you like.

No, a WHOIS lookup typically doesn't show the specific web hosting company. It reveals the domain registrar. A separate entity responsible for domain registration, not website hosting.

Yes, you can use Domainwinds WHOIS lookup for most domain extensions (TLDs), including popular ones like .com, .net, .org, as well as country-code TLDs (ccTLDs) such as .uk, .ca, and .au.

Yes, WHOIS typically includes information about the domain's registration history, including the date it was first registered, and any changes made to the registration over time.

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